I have a list of songs totted up that I’d written there's over 60 – I start scraping the barrel a bit after 40/45! Then there are the bits of songs and many-an-idea quickly recorded onto a tape or phone for later… what has been encouraging is that I am coming up with new stuff, and I'm able to finish off the part-written songs where maybe they need a middle eight or something. Still very much a solo mission, so it does take time. If I can get half of them done I’ll die happy.
Most recent new song was 'Valentine'. I had a bit of an idea for it many years ago, just singing over some chords on guitar, and I came across it doing some 4-track backing up. This year with a little romantic interest I made it the next project taking that germ of an idea and turning it into a proper song and recording; starting it the week before (Valentine's Day) there was little chance of me getting it done. However, a few weeks later it was done and a home-made video done – mainly to have a record of me singing it.
A lot of heart went into it. And I think it is quite universal – the words that a man might want to say to his true love and soul-mate. As for me, looks like my little dalliance with love was a bit misplaced (I'm sure there'll be a song about that). So, at this moment mixed feelings about 'Valentine.' Still a decent effort, and one I hope will be around for future Valentine Days
Will write later some more about recent projects: one cover 'Chains' - previously done by the Beatles (very different); a quirky, new song from the archive tapes done for the first time 'I Got No Bed'; a better mix I think of political commentary ‘Wake Up’, and a new mix and slightly changed version of the 2011 song about life's frustrations 'Stop The World' (feedback is good on this – "catchy".)